About Cleverclogs Training

Quality, Safeguarding & Policies

We are Cleverclogs Multimedia LTD and trade as Cleverclogs Training to deliver BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT acredited qualifications.


At Cleverclogs Training, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality training and assessment experiences for our learners. This commitment is reflected in our comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) System, which is outlined in our Cleverclogs Training Quality Assurance Procedure Course Strand Operating Procedure 01 (CSOP 01).

Our Core Principles:

  • Learner-Centric Approach: The learner is at the heart of everything we do. Our Quality Assurance Procedure ensures we deliver training that equips learners with the right skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen qualification.

  • Modern Learning Technologies: We embrace innovative technologies to enhance the learning experience and cater to diverse learning styles.

  • Continuous Improvement: We strive for ongoing improvement through regular audits, reviews, and a culture of openness to feedback.

  • Rigorous Planning & Delivery: We meticulously plan and deliver all programs, utilizing a systematic approach that maximizes learner achievement.

  • Shared Responsibility: Every member of our team plays a vital role in upholding our quality standards.

Key Elements of Our Quality Assurance Procedure:

  • CSOP 01: This document serves as the foundation for our Quality Assurance Procedure, outlining the framework for all program delivery.

  • Lead IQA's Oversight: The Lead IQA holds primary responsibility for maintaining high program delivery standards.

  • Staff Engagement: All staff members are expected to actively participate in upholding our commitment to quality.

  • Communication & Collaboration: We emphasize open communication channels across the organization to ensure efficient collaboration and continuous development.

Our Commitment to You:

By prioritizing these principles, we aim to:

  • Deliver exceptional training and assessment services.
  • Continuously improve our learning offerings to better serve our learners.
  • Provide a positive and supportive learning environment.


We are confident that our Quality Assurance Procedure allows us to deliver on our promise of excellence. If you have any questions about our commitment to quality, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Safeguarding Statement: Cleverclogs Training

At Cleverclogs Training, the safety and well-being of our learners and staff is our top priority.  We are dedicated to creating a positive and secure learning environment for everyone.

Our Commitment:

  • Safeguarding Policy: We have a robust safeguarding policy in place, outlining clear procedures for identifying, reporting, and responding to potential harm. This policy is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness.

  • Continuous Improvement: We are constantly seeking ways to improve our safeguarding practices. This includes staff training, regular risk assessments, and open communication channels.

  • Empowering Our Community: We believe everyone has a role to play in safeguarding. We encourage learners and staff to report any concerns they may have, no matter how small.

Dedicated Support:

Our team includes designated safeguarding representatives. These individuals are trained to handle any concerns sensitively and confidentially. They can be contacted directly at safeguarding@cleverclogstraining.com or by speaking to any member of the Cleverclogs Training team.

Your Right to Feel Safe:

We are committed to fostering a culture of openness and respect. You have the right to feel safe and secure while learning with Cleverclogs Training.

Together, we can create a positive and protected learning environment for all. 

Adult Safeguarding and Prevent Duty Procedure

Appeals Policy

Complaints Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Identification Checks Procedure

Malpractice and Maladministration Policy

Quality Assurance Procedure

Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy

Security of Exams Policy